
Dakota Oil Pipeline Research Paper

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For centuries Native Americans have been oppressed and targeted by white males and there seems to be no end in sight for them. White men have taken away their land, culture and identity. They makeup only 1.7 percent of the population and today they are still being ignored and are not receiving certain rights that they lawfully deserve. Standing Rock: A New Movement For Native-American Rights displays, once again, the disregard that government and industries have towards the environment and native people. It presented how the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline has created lots of controversy throughout the country due to the fact that this oil company ignored the reality that they were cutting through the Sioux reservation border …show more content…

Unfortunately the risk of Native American land being contaminated and their loss of control of their reservation has resumed. The Trump Administration and other executives have signed actions to resume the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Native americans have resumed the protesting of the pipeline and sadly there water sources are still at risk at being contaminated. Native american leaders are planning to resist these actions passed by the trump administration, specifically the one authorizing the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline. This project has been delayed since December and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers renounced the permit to lay the final piece of pipeline under Lake Oahe, which is the sacred water source to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. The pipeline is very close to being completed and now the issue is that if the pipe is not fully finished it can break and really contaminate water sources. Kaufman and Miller state that, “The fossil fuel industry is a dead and dying economy. Green energy is the new great America. Trump and his Cabinet are trying to build an infrastructure for pipelines so our country will remain dependent on fossil fuels.” People are continuously attempting to prevent further environmental hazards from pipelines that leak into major rivers and endanger the drinking water of communities. Overall, the pipeline is going to be built and the fights against clean water, the fights against big oil and climate change, and the fight for land control in the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is still

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