
Database Design Essay examples

Good Essays

Database Environment
Brandon Smith
Kenneth Hoskins

Database Environment

“A database is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system. In order for a database to be truly functional, it must not only store large amounts of record, but also be able to access those records fast and efficiently. In addition, new information and changes should also be easy to input.” ( To be useful over a long term the database should be able to store all the records necessary for the business to function as well as be able to get all of this information back in case of a system failure or a crash. If all the information is loss a business could go bankrupt so the database is a fail …show more content…

“Imagine a person on a desktop computer who uses Microsoft Access to load up a list of personal addresses and phone numbers that he or she has saved in MS Windows “My Documents” folder. This is an example of a one-tier database architecture” ( “A two tier client/server architecture is one in which a user interacts through a Graphical User Interface to communicate with the database server across a network via Structured Query Langauage.” ( Last is an N-Tier Clinet/Server Architecutre. “Most n-tier database architectures exist in a three-tier configuration. In this architecture the client server model expands to include a middle tier (business tier) which is an application server that houses the business logic. This middle tier relieves the client application and the database server of some of their processing duties by translating client calls into database queries and translating data from the database into client data in return.” (
The one tier is best suited for single users that have a small amount of information to store. It will run on the machine the user is using and will store it on the machines (computer, tablet, cellphone, ect) and has to use a physical resource to access and process this information.
If you have multiply users and a small scale of applications you would use the two tier client/server architecture. This would be an example of anyone that uses the

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