
Dbq Civil War

Decent Essays

The American Civil War initiated directly from the northern and southern strained relations on the controversial matter of states’ right opposed to federal supremacy, slavery, and economic sectionalism. The Presidential Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 engendered the secession of seven states forming the Confederate States of America, following of four states after emerging battle of the Civil War. Why was the election of Lincoln the catalyst that led to the United States secession? Republicans opposed the enlargement of slavery flowing throughout the territories, therefore restricting the practice of slavery. Southern states discerned on the depriving control of federal government eventually overpowering slavery to become prohibited. In …show more content…

“The Confederate States of America- Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union,” is the first primary source use in the reasoning of secession. “Confederate States of America- Inaugural Address of the Provisional Government,” is the second primary source employ alongside with “First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln” which is the third primary source. With the two Inaugural Addresses, they provide a correlation with each other in the justification of the secession. All three secondary sources are in the format of books accessed by the McAllen Public Library. “The Causes of the Civil War,” by Kenneth Stampp, “Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney: Slavery, Secession, and the President’s War Power,” by James F. Simon, and “Year of Meteors: Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, and the Election that Brought on the Civil War,” by Douglas R. Egerton are secondary sources employ on causes, the election process, and the result of …show more content…

The book consists of topics dealing with the subjects of slave power, states’ rights, economic sectionalism, un/ethical aspects of slavery, and the conflict of cultures. Within the topics, documents such as “Lincoln’s Election a Menace to Slavery,” and “The Almighty Has His Own Purposes: Abraham Lincoln,” correlate to the election and the process of its impacting tension to the South. The documents involve previous issues that influence the election and allocate the distinction of two sections of the United States. “Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney: Slavery, Secession, and the President’s War Powers,” focuses on the disagreement of slavery, secession, and Lincoln’s authority in government in the duration of the Civil War era. The advancing disagreements initiated the Dred Scott Court Case in 1857, where Chief Justice proclaimed that the Constitution did not permit black men any privilege or right that white men were entitled to. Referring to Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, Taney accepted the southern secession as legal and positively diplomatic in both sections of the nation. “Year of Meteors: Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, and the Election that Brought the Civil,” emphasizes the presidential election of 1860, consisted the rivalry running of the American politicians Stephen Douglas and

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