
Dbq Why The South Seceded

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Deonte Hudson Civil War DBQ Why The South Seceded Many say that the South seceding was their own choice and that they failed to compromise with the North. The Southern states Seceded because of unfair treatment being forced upon them by the North. One reason why the South seceded is because of a high tariff or tax on European imported good by the North. Page 342 stated that the Northern Government placed a high tariff to beat other competitors to protect american industry after the war.Document 2 stated that the South was forced by the North to buy the Northern industry material to protect the Northerner income. This forced Southern buyers to start purchasing materials from the Northern industries which were also very expensive. Many Southerners felt anger towards the way that the North put a tax on the goods they wanted. Even during the Civil War Southerners remembered how unfair the North had treated them. …show more content…

One problem he created was his armory raids. What he planned to do with the weaponry he obtained from the raids was to free all slaves, which angered the South(page 497). Another problem he created, even after his death, was the fact that people in the North praised him as a hero after he endangered the lives of many innocent lives in the South. The South felt threatened by the fact that Northerners praised a ‘blood thirsty’ killer and forced them to secede (page 498)A woman by the name of Harriet Beecher read “ Uncle Tom's Cabin” to 1300 people. This influenced and educated a lot of people to stand up against slavery. John Brown was an example of those

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