
Essay on Defining Marketing

Decent Essays

Marketing is one of those things that surrounds your everyday life and you don't even realize it. A challenge of a good marketing manager is to make a person or customer to not even realize that they are targets of a marketing campaign. To define marketing in my own words; giving products a place to perform or show to enhance a buyer. Marketing is a truly important function of business. It is basically the wheels of motion to get a business to profitability. For example, a merchant has a "widget" that can solve a lot of problems. The steps involved in getting the widget to the customer and coercing them to buying it are all aspects of marketing. How can something be sold unless it is marketed? It is a basic fundamental of business. …show more content…

Of course radio and TV are still top marketing engines. Many companies can come up with catchy slogans or offer special deals that generate lots of attention to both the product and company. Another key focal point on marketing is attention. Its that yellow daisy in a patch full of weeds that grabs the eye. So it is with key marketing ads on TV and radio. One popular slogan in the early 80's was the "where's the beef?" ads by Wendy's. Those commercials became so popular that they became a part of pop culture for that time. Thats when you know that you have created a winner when you start seeing your catch phrase on t-shirts. One lesser know form of marketing is basic word of mouth. This can be the kiss of death for many business or the kiss of blessing, depending on what is being said. All the TV ads and slogans in the world are no match for good old fashioned first hand knowledge. One example of this is in the film industry. There have been many instances of mass marketing and millions of dollars spent to promote a new film only to have it released and totally bomb due to bad reviews and bad word of mouth. There have been many instances in my own personal life where I decided against going to see a movie because someone told me it was awful. Those are dollars lost for the film industry. The reverse can also be true. Good press and

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