
Definition Essay: What Is Music To You?

Decent Essays

Music is the art of arranging sounds in time, so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative (expressive) composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre (tonal quality of any sound). With this perception, one must understand that this definition stands to be the point of view of one individual, or a small group of people. You're probably saying, "Well, I just learned something. I did not know that you could put what I felt into words that intelligently. Wow!" Another may say, "I already knew that, but what does that really have to do with what I feel inside." Yes, I would agree with that. The definition may be good enough to teach to class of youngsters in middle school, but music actually has an unlimited source of meanings. …show more content…

Matter of fact, before you even read a second further, I am going to pause for about thirty seconds to let you ponder on this question. The time is starting now. Again, I say what is music to you? Is it a LOVE or a LUST? Is it a relationship, or a one night stand? Is it total satisfaction, meaning does it go further than just a feeling, or it is just like a nut (ejaculation)? After all the build up, did the results not quite match your expectations, or did it just did not last long enough? What is it to you? When it comes to your relationship with music, are you able to offer your musical expression without expecting anything in return, or are you so emotionally driven that you are willing to say and do anything to get .25 of a second of popular …show more content…

With this type of love comes pain, comfortless days and nights, disappointment, joy, satisfaction. There are times when you get no respect, and it appears that everyone is getting air time but you. You suffer through days, weeks, and months of low income, working to take care of yourself, and sometimes your family. These conditions limit the time you allot yourself to follow your dream, and prompts you to ask yourself, "Why me?" Why not you? This type of sentiment brings limited satisfaction and compromise that wants to come alive within in you that can cause you to reach a breaking

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