
Definition Of Definitions Of Marketing

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ny definitions of marketing. Marketing can be summarised as a process by which a product or service is presented and promoted to potential customers.
Customer value also has many definitions. The simplest form of customer value is defined as being what customers get from buying the product and the functional use of the product versus what they pay, resulting in an attitude toward, or an emotional connection with the product. There are four types of customer value which are functional/instrumental value, experiential/hedonic value, symbolic/expressive value, and cost/ expressive value. These values come from five different sources which are information, products, interactions, environment, and ownership/possession transfer.
Fitbit is a company focuses in the health or sports industry and produces activity trackers which has a variety of functions that are useful for customers who are interested in keeping a healthy and fit lifestyle. Fitbit implements customer values into their marketing strategy to identify the best possible strategy to promote their new product Fitbit Alta.


The purpose of the essay is to identify the importance of marketing, the concept of customer value, and the link between marketing and customer value. These concepts can be seen being used by the company Fitbit which has recently launched their new product Fitbit Alta. What is marketing?

Kotler (1980) states that marketing is a human activity that is directed at satisfying human

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