
Descriptive Essay On An Abandoned House

Decent Essays

A group of friends walked up to an old, seemingly abandoned house. They couldn’t see inside because of the dirt and cobwebs on the windows. When they turned the doorknob to see if it was locked, the door creaked open as if it has been closed for years. Me and my friends , Hayden ,Annie ,Kacy , and Rush were walking up old stairs to this abandoned house . As we walk in the house the door shut Annie screamed and I told her to ,’’shut up ,’’ we all didn't think about the door closing on its on except Annie . So we keep walking around to see if there is light willed Annie keeps yapping about the door. As we were walking around to see if there was light , we did not proceed that we were in a abound house so the light will not work because no one lives here so no one could pay the bills . So we looked in Rush's bag to get the flashlights . As we walk around Kacy started to joke around like what if we die , or what if theres ghost ,or what if we get trap here , so that made Annie really scared . kacy loves to try to scarier use but it doesn't work expect Annie . So we went upstairs into a room that look like someone had redone the house and the room and the lights work we were lowkey kinda scared . So we walk into the the room we were look around until the door slammed we all jump , then we heard something fall from the ceiling so we turn around to see a old doll that was cracked and it was creepy looking , waller lying down on the ground . So we ran to the door and

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