
Descriptive Essay On The Abandoned House

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The Abandoned house stood there, with fog rising to the sky. Lights flickered being the only light in the dark….. The fog dragged a cold breeze, that sent a chill up my spine, this house has been here forever and nothing like this has ever happened before, I gulped and strolled into the cold night fog. As I approached the house, the door slowly opens and a Shadow steps towards me. The weather just dropped like 40 degrees, I don't like this at all.
I turned on my flashlight, it was the first thing that came to my mind. As, the bright light flashed its way on, were the “shadow” I saw a couple seconds ago was gone, it must have gone back into the house have to check this out. I decided to go into the “Haunted Mansion”, I walked in and every step I took, the wooden floor made a loud “CREAK!!!” The lights are so dim, that you can’t see anything far away into the darkness, this was literally a maze. I walked until I noticed there was a staircase heading up to this second floor. I took a couple steps towards the stairs then All of sudden, the most creepiest sound in history of sounds filled my ears, it was the sound of tiny footsteps of children running around… I took one step onto the stairs and it made a huge noise. Then the running noise stopped. I listen, my heart stopped……
The Children I heard a couple minutes ago skipping around, were now sprinting down the stairs in my direction then, the worst thing happened, they started slowing down they started saying….
“Hello would do

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