
Desert Communications Call Center: Operational Changes

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Desert Communications Call Center Operational Changes

The most important thing when implementing changes to a company is to come up with a good action plan. “A business without a viable action plan is like a ship without a rudder. Because business success requires staying on course toward a long-term goal, it 's essential to have a plan that you can follow,” (, 2012). It ensures a company can implement successfully an action and monitoring plan. The action plan will determine how successful the changes will be introduced and implemented. In the case of Desert Communications Call Center, the company is trying to increase their profits for the company to stay afloat with the ever changing communication, technology market.
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Minimizing Conflict
To minimize conflict in a call center environment a core item needs to be in existence. This strong core item needs to be communication. If communication is strong among the team as well as with the manager and team there will be little room for conflict to exist. Conflict will always arise when associates are not able to understand policies, processes or have a clear line of communication with their manager or leadership. This inability to have this line of communication open can cause associates to become frustrated and disconnected from the business. Keeping the lines of communication open will foster a positive working environment. Associates will be able to address concerns with their manager immediately, versus his or her concerns, and thoughts bottled up inside. This causes conflict and disputes to arise within a team, staff, or company. All it takes is one associate to be dissatisfied and his or her feelings can be spread throughout the team as second and third person opinions of a process or manager. Associate champions would be another role essential to reducing conflict in a team or in a call center altogether. Associate champions would be responsible for owning problems and bringing him or her to the attention of management. This liaison role would enable associates to be more open to their peer versus feeling as they were dealing directly with management.

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