
Determining Databases and Data Communications Essay

Decent Essays

Determining Databases and Data Communications
In the two scenarios there are many ways that they can be solved or worked out to make them fit to the person working with them. They both deal with databases and communications that companies need to consider. In this paper we are going to discuss some of the options that companies or self employed business owners can use.
Scenario One
Some of the typical fields that could be used would be of the booth equipment by piece, what equipment you will need by piece, what company is shipping the components and the expected arrival date and time. By having all of this information you will be able to use it as a checklist to ensure that you have all the required pieces and components for the trade …show more content…

The best database to use in this scenario would be a personal one. Since a personal database is used more for a small workgroup of fewer than 100 people and normally for fewer than 15 people would work the best, (Kroenke, 2012). The reason this would work the best is because that not everyone in the business work the trade shows so not everyone will need to have access to the database, this will ensure that nothing is inputted incorrectly or misused.
A decisions support system would come in handy when deciding on which carrier to hire for the equipment and booth components. By having this system could help keep the cost low for shipping and if the carrier can be responsible you could use them all the time and refer them to other customers. By doing this it will help after the trade show is over and you get all the equipment back to your office in one piece and will not have to do extra paperwork for lost or damaged equipment.
Scenario Two
The business will only need a LAN. Since the business is small enough and in one geographic location a LAN will be able to support this business, (Kroenke, 2012). With the business having a LAN they can run the cables for it anywhere they want. The LAN also has the capability of having a wireless connection, depending on how far away the employees reside they might be able to use the wireless portion of the LAN as long as they have a WNIC.
The business will also require

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