
Detox-Research Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Detoxification is the removal of substances, and cleansing of the colon and kidneys of negative effects on the body from pesticides, industrial chemicals, additive foods, pollutant or heavy metals, and secondary smoke. Healthy people adapt internal detoxification to keep their body systems in pristine conditions.

This process is performed in a variety of ways, including herbal mixtures, nutritional supplements, oral chelating agents, intravenous injection, safe mercury removal, and colonics among others. The moment burden of heavy metal is relieved other yeast, parasite and organic detoxification easily proceed.

1. Why Detox- Research shows that the detox diet is very low in calories, thus a person can lose weight. Other studies show that, …show more content…

They can cause problems such as headaches, nausea, back pain, frequent allergies, brittle nails and hair, memory falling and a range of chronic diseases.

2. Benefits -The goal of detox diet is to enable the body to get back to fresh, healthful state. The body is purified when the toxins are eliminated from the body, thus it functions better. Other people detox to rid themselves of addictions.

The organs like kidney, liver and blood purification is done. Other advantages include, the hormonal system is enhanced, and immune system stimulated, substance dependency such as sugar nicotine, caffeine or alcohol is reduced.

3. What is a Detox Diet? -These are diets designed and directed to enable the body to shade off toxins. A person can give up temporarily certain kind of foods and gradually reintroduce them. Organic foods, drinks and lots of water are needed for natural detox diet. Certain supplements, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, drugs, refined foods, are not allowed.

When changes in lifestyle are paired with detox diet, this will foster body cleansing from toxins. Exercise and sauna might also be recommended to increase sweating as a way to rid the body of certain toxic

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