
Diabetes: Genetic Imbalance In The Human Body

Decent Essays

There is no denying that diseases have been present in our lives for centuries. Wither if they are formed from genetics, have been prescribed, or are a part of widespread hysteria; illnesses have become a part of daily living. As seen in past events, most diseases come and go due to cures being discovered while in some cases the sicknesses stick around to present day. This certain imbalance in the human body has been around for years, though, the occurrences have increased greatly; that imbalance is called diabetes: a glucose imbalance. Diabetes causes a homeostatic imbalance within the human body.
A homeostatic imbalance involving a glucose irregularity is what scientists call diabetes. Diabetes comes in two forms: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease where the immune system bombards insulin cells within the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder causing the body to not produce enough, or suitably use insulin ( Figure out author for source 6). Both types are a glucose homeostasis imbalance that depends on two hormones- insulin and glucagon; these hormones help maintain a healthy blood glucose level (Gayle R., 2017). The problem …show more content…

Luckily, there are treatments out in the medical industry that can help manage the lack of insulin. Patients with Type 1 diabetes will be given either insulin injections or oral medications to help control the amount of insulin being produced within the pancreas. The procedure to helping glucose levels stay balanced is a whole different story for people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Doctors recommend for these patients to change their diet, start exercising, and take the prescribed pills to keep levels homeostatic (Rosen, 2006) (Congcong, 2012). With every positive outlook must come with negative effects that can make the situation even worse if not treated

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