
Diet Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout my experience using Pearson’s my diet analysis program I learned that my diet plays a very significant role in my life. Keeping track of my diet was completely essential, which I didn’t realize until I started using the diet tracker. My diet is very important to me which is why I wanted my analysis to be as accurate as possible, due to this I chose days that I’d be maintaining physical activity as well as eating healthy. I chose weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) because I knew my analysis would be more precise as opposed to tracking my diet on the weekend, where I knew I’d be lying in bed all day. During the weekdays, my dietary habits are more constant because I’m keeping the same routine throughout the week. During the three-day …show more content…

After looking at my analysis I was surprised because there I was lacking a lot of vitamins and minerals. Without minerals, our bodies wouldn’t be able to function which is why I was worried when I saw my reports. I was lacking vitamins such as Vitamin A where my intake was 392.53 mcg when it’s supposed to be at a high 700.00 mcg. I also barely had one of the most important vitamins in my body, Vitamin D. Being one of the most important vitamins to our body a Vitamin D deficiency is not healthy for the body in any way possible. Restraining from Vitamin D can cause problems such as fatigue, hair loss, depression, anxiety, bone weakness, and being prone to more diseases because your body isn’t fighting off the illnesses brought in from the outside. Aside from lacking vitamins, I’m also lacking a good number of minerals. The recommended amount of Calcium is about 1,000mgs, but my intake fell under 454mgs. Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the human body for the bones to grow stronger to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, which is commonly found in women after the age of 50. Osteoporosis is a common disease where the bones become weak from loss of tissues around the bone structure. Not only is osteoporosis caused by lacking Calcium, but is also caused by Vitamin D deficiency, which are two things that my body lacks. If I don’t increase my vitamin/mineral intake it could be a huge determent to my …show more content…

Keeping track of your diet can help you prevent a lot of health risks and keep your body up and healthy. Even skipping a simple meal can result in something damaging to your body. This activity helped me learn a lot about my body and what I should be in taking and what I shouldn’t be taking. One of my biggest strengths when is comes to my eating habits is staying persistent with what I eating and how much I eat. For example, I eat breakfast every single morning whereas some people skip breakfast one day then eat breakfast the next. Another strength would be the number of calories I intake daily, although they are under the average amount I’m supposed to be intaking I do keep it at the same level almost every other day. One last strength I have when it comes to my eating habits is I don’t eat unhealthy, yes I do eat some unhealthy things here and there, but I don’t overload myself with unhealthy fattening foods. Although I do have strengths they still aren’t at the best they can be. To improve them I’m going to start keeping a food journal to keep track of all the foods I’m eating daily. This will help me come to an agreement and can stabilize my eating habits to the point where I’m satisfied with what I’m eating and my overall well-being. Keeping track of my diet was so helpful because it made me realize that even the slightest deficiency can

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