
Difference Between Online Education And Traditional Education

Decent Essays

In this modern society, education is an essential part of human life, and thanks to technology, we are now able to receive a proper education through the internet. For centuries the only way of receiving a formal education was attending physically to the school, but nowadays due to technology students are able to receive a college degree without the necessity of being physically in the school. Online education is becoming more common, and as a result, the student population is dividing in two different opinions on education. Some think the traditional method is better, while others start to believe that the modern method is the best. Although both of these are similar in numerous ways, there are advantages and disadvantages to each one. The differences and similarities between traditional college education and online college education are pronounced and they merit further scrutiny.

In my opinion, what distinguishes traditional education from online education is the environment in which the student is surrounded. In traditional education every individual has the ability to interact and socialize with his classmates, professors, and other members of the college. The facilities provide the mindset for the student to learn, and the easily approachable teachers which can clear any question or doubt at the instant. While in online education the student has class discussions and chats with his classmates, all of it is through the internet, the same applies with the professor, if

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