
Difference Between Traditional And Traditional Classes

Decent Essays

Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes When students are enrolling in a class, they have different choices as to how they want to complete the class. It could vary from an online course, to a traditional course. An online course is a modern way of learning with an internet based curriculum, meaning that the entire course is online, as well as all the assignments and activities it will require. On the other hand, a traditional class is a method based upon face-to-face learning and will come with a great deal of communication. Researchers stated that “...approximately 30% of college students are enrolled in at least one online course.” (“Online classes”). Every student has a prefered way of learning; some prefer traditional, and some prefer modern. Although these two methods for learning both have the same end goal and the desire to educate, they have very distinct differences, separating them into two completely different methods with distinctive techniques and environments. One contrasting factor between these two learning methods includes the students ability to control their completion pace of the course. While taking an online class, one has the opportunity to see all due dates for each assignment at all times, and most of the time can work ahead or work at a certain pace to complete the course. Online classes are a noticeably independent and student-based method of learning. Unlike this modern way of education, traditional classes are mostly a professor and/or teacher

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