
Reliance On Online Students

Decent Essays

In “Reliance on Online Materials Hinders Learning Potential for Students” by David Smith the author argues online education has some benefits students are also able to suffer. Smith begins his article with stating students are lucky for being able to have the amount of access they have to receive education unlike past generations. He goes on by stating “this variety has begun to work its way into academia, as well; more and more, it seems, organized instruction is moving beyond the classroom and into cyberspace” (Smith, Par 3). The “traditional” educational experience is slowly being taken over by the technology world.
In addition, Smith ask the question “While the internet has certainly made learning easier, has it made it better? (Par 8). Furthermore, he adds “Think about the fundamental differences between a traditional course, taught in a classroom, and one conducted entirely via Blackboard’s online services” (Smith, Par 9). The differences of …show more content…

Online education as “easy” as instructors or adults like to put it, it is very stressful. Your “flexible” schedule isn’t really flexible. Depending on the class and how many assignments are required to be turn in a week you sometimes would have to give up doing what you would normally do in your normal schedule just to avoid not failing. Smith states “They must attend class on a regular basis or suffer the consequences, typically complete regular homework assignments for points, and are constantly reminded of the work that has to be done by the ever-present figure of the professor” (Par 10). There are test, quizzes, and exams taken through the online courses and if there are only certain time frames for either one and a student misses it, it hurts the student’s grade and could cause he or she to start failing and get

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