
Different Types Of Leadership Styles

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Leadership Styles
Different leadership styles
There are many different types of leadership styles that are adjusted to suit different roles of jobs. All leadership styles have a direct reasoning to provide direction, as well as motivating individuals.
Authoritarian Leadership (also known as autocratic) has a high level of control. It empowers people to follow the directions given. It is frequently considered a classic leadership style and is used when the leader wants to take as much control as possible. It is mainly used to high demand jobs where life or death situations occur eg. Army. The followers of the leader will do whatever is told to them because they are lower in authority and are inspired by the leader.
The advantages of …show more content…

A team can give their input into a decision and then the team leader can make a final decision. This form of leadership will be used when a team needs to be closely organised, for example, in the fire service when planning a rescue situation.
The advantages of Democratic Leadership is that the team will feel a sense of belonging because they have say in the decisions being made, this will give a sense of empowerment and courage as they will feel in control. However there are weaknesses to this leadership style. As the decisions being made will have a lot of people’s involvement, it can be a lengthy process. This style can be seem as time wasting and wouldn’t be effective where quick decision making is essential, like the front line Army.

Laissez-Faire or ‘Loosely’ approach is where the team is left to fulfil the leaders aim. The leader may have employed strong minded team members to be in control with very little guidance from the leader. The leader will give the team members the resources they need to complete a task. Laissez-Faire will be used when the leader has full trust in the team, and where the team members are highly skilled, so they will not need any guidance. For example, in the police a high ranked officer will have experience of what to do and will not need showing what to do, where as a new recruit will need

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