
Disney Swot Analysis

Decent Essays

SWOT Analysis
One of the best ways to performs the company’s current situation is performing its SWOT analysis, which bring us a better understand of the internal and external environments, and also help us analyze the potential opportunities and risks regarding the products and services that the company offer and provide.
- Limit target public;
- High Costs of operation; - No guarantee of success; Strengths
- Strong brand and image;
- High Quality products and services;
- Strong cable network;
- Intense competition;
- Weak economy;
- Piracy;
- Difficult to find and afford creative labor;
- Management Style;
- New attractions;
- Park plus Hotel packages; - Expansion to …show more content…

Other potential opportunity regarding to the theme parks and build new attractions to them, is also attract people by making more attractive packages including the tickets to the parks plus the hotel rooms for the entire family. And by encouraging people to spend more days in the parks, we can make packages with at least three or more nights. The facts showed that in 2000 average people spent three days in the Walt Disney World theme park, mostly because in this location tourists had more like a resort and more things to do, also a place to spend the night. During the same year the average people used to spend just one day at Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland and at Disneyland Paris. So the strategy used at that point was building more attractions, more parks close to theme parks. So parks plus hotel packages would be great opportunity to encourage people to spend more days at parks and consequently visiting more parks will increase in revenues and also increase the company’s assets.
Other potential opportunity still following the same thinking about build more theme parks and attractions, will be exploring more the international potential market by building theme parks in countries with high flow of tourists, the suggestion in this case would be first make a

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