
Dna Analysis : Dna And Dna

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DNA polymerases are vital in how an organism can sustain life. DNA polymerases are enzymes that synthesize DNA molecules from deoxyribonucleotides and are accountable for DNA replication. They are absolutely critical for DNA replication and will typically work in sets so that they can create two identical sets of DNA strands from one single strand of DNA. DNA polymerase will catalyze the reaction: deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNAn diphosphate + DNAn+1. DNA polymerases are extremely important because each time a cell divides, DNA polymerases have to be involved in order to assist in duplicating the cell’s DNA. Duplication of a cell’s DNA allows for the daughter cell to get a copy of the genetic information so that it can carry to multiple generations after. Helicase unwinds DNA so that it separates the two strands making them each single stranded, which will be used as “templates for replication” (Mandal, 2014). DNA polymerase becomes important as now it can add nucleotides to the 3’ end so that the 5’ to 3’ will be extended. DNA polymerase is a very precise and accurate process although, a mistake of one in a billion base pairs copied can be made. DNA polymerase proofreads the DNA so that the base pairs can be corrected if need be. As a visual, “DNA polymerases are shaped like a hand with fingers, palm and thumb subdomains” (Benoît). DNA polymerases are extremely significant in replication of a genome because they guarantee that the genetic information can be

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