
The Process of DNA Replication Essay

Decent Essays

The Process of DNA Replication

The process of DNA replication plays a crucial role in providing genetic continuity from one generation to the next. Knowledge of the structure of DNA began with the discovery of nucleic acids in 1869. In 1952, an accurate model of the DNA molecule was presented, thanks to the work of Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, and Francis Crick. To reproduce, a cell must copy and transmit its genetic information (DNA) to all of its progeny. To do so, DNA replicates following the process of semi-conservative replication. Two strands of DNA are obtained from one, having produced two daughter molecules that are identical to one another and to the parent molecule. This essay reviews the three stages …show more content…

Moreover, there are many enzymes that participate in the unwinding of the old strands of DNA molecule such as topoisomerase. This enzyme is responsible for initiation of the unwinding of the old strands of DNA molecule. Once supercoiling has been eliminated by the topoisomerase, helicase accomplishes unwinding of the original double strand. In order to aid with the unwinding process, DNA gyrase catalyzes the formation of negative supercoils. The unwound helix, with each strand being synthesized into a new double helix, is called the replication fork.

The second stage of the process is complementary base pairing. In this stage, new complementary nucleotides are positioned following the rules of complementary base pairing: adenine (A) to thymine (T) and guanine (G) to cytosine (C). Then, the binding of free nucleotide with complementary bases is catalyzed by DNA polymerase.

The last stage of the process, joining, involves bonding of complementary nucleotide to each other so as to form new strands. The nucleotides are joined to one another by hydrogen bonds to form a new DNA molecule. This joining continues until a new polynucleotide chain has been formed alongside the old one, forming a new double-helix molecule. This stage of the process also takes place with the assistance of enzymes. The DNA polymerase links the complementary nucleotides

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