
Does Money Bring You Happiness?

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Does Money Bring You Happiness?
How would be your life if you were a millionaire? I am completely sure; you would live in a deluxe villa in the center of the city. You won’t only be disquieted for your safety needs; but also, be able to meet your luxury needs. You would spend your holidays in best places in the world. If you have lots of money, you would provide the best facilities for your family and try to make a pleasant life for them. Money can solve almost all of our problems and help us for having a happy life. With money, we can live in a deluxe house, drive a brand new car, and have a prepossessing life. Although some people believe money doesn’t bring happiness, I believe it does.
There are many people claim that there is not any relationship between money and happiness. However, I believe that there is a direct relationship between money and happiness. Research shows that being able to provide our basic needs and higher-level wants leads us to a happy life. The relationship between money and happiness is like the relationship between food and body. “The importance of money in human life is similar to the importance of food for the body. Just like you can’t live even for a few days without food, you can’t survive for long without money.”(Singh, 2015).Having access to our necessities, being able to participate in leisure activities, and being able to help our friends, are things which make us happy; and we need money for having them.So, for being happy in our life,

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