
The Characteristics Of Happiness And Happiness

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The beautiful smile. The joyous laugh. The smiling eyes. The high pitched voice. All describe the characteristics of one being happy. Benjamin Franklin once stated “money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.”. In turn that quote has been a center of debates for centuries. Conversing over the debatable topic in which happiness does or does not extend from money. In a society such as the twentieth century, happiness is evidently reflected by wealth. Therefore, happiness is influenced by the amount of wealth that corresponds to the way one uses their money.
Different sizes , weights, colors, and made of different materials. Throughout the world money varies country to country. It allows people to posses luxurious homes and cars, as well as security. Used to pay for a variety of things that extend from lunch bills to plane tickets.
Having money creates a life with less worry. In society today, having a high paying job is a social norm. The convenience of being able to acquire anything whether it be traveling to Paris,

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France or paying for your own full ride for Harvard. With money, the idea of not being able to afford anything is far from mind. Buying family tickets to enjoy the World Series games and not caring of the price is evident that money can bring happiness to one’s life. Living life without limitations enhances a person to live with experience and adventure . Not having to fret over debts or not being able to travel are some peculiar positive outcomes of having money. Money aids in relieving stress created by pondering on being able to afford desires. Back then, living life subtly was the normality, but now in the twentieth century, living life lavishly is seen all around. To be able to partake in such lifestyle one needs a good amount of wealth to cover necessities as well as extravagant desires. Fashion icon Kendall Jenner, showcases what living life with abundance of money can do. The lavish life is reflected to a life of happiness.
Money brings people together. Extended families need the money to be able to reunite with one another. Families that are separated out across the

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