
The Causes Of Happiness And Happiness

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Money. It can determine a lot of things for people; social ranking, how others think of you, and even happiness. Many people think that when you have money you also have happiness. Yes that can be true, but just how true is it? Money can be the cause of happiness and also sadness, needless to say money have a huge impact on every single person. Everyone wants money I think it's safe to say, everyone wants to feel stable. Yes its great to have money; you can do more things, travel more, and make family and friends happy with gifts you could buy them. But after all the toys and material things are gone can you say that you're happy, or that something's missing still? When you go out to a fancy restaurant what do you remember most, the people you take or the meal you just consumed? “Research shows experiences provide more happiness than material goods in part, because experiences are more likely to make us feel connected to others” (Mandi Woodruff “5 Reasons Why Money Isn't Making You Happy”). People make connections that last with their personality, not their money. This has the same concept as growing up in a wealthy family. Some kids grow up never really having a relationship with their parents because all they want to do is work to make more money. People crave the love and attention from someone more than they want money. We as humans like to feel secure in a lot of different aspects in our lives, and if we aren't being loved, that could be the worst of it all. Money

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