
Double Standards Of Sexual Health Education

Decent Essays

Imagine living in a society where there are no regulations on the sexual health education curriculum. What if there are no guidelines that require educators to provide medically accurate, culturally appropriate, and unbiased sexual health information? What if health educators are expected to stress abstinence and discourage sex outside marriage? This supposedly mythical society actually exists and may even represent the typical approach to sexual health education! The sexual health education that adolescents receive today, whether through formal or informal education, does not incorporate the concept of female sexual pleasure due to an overemphasis on reproduction; potential dangers of such an incomprehensive approach are that sexual double …show more content…

According to Pastor, the double standards arise from the false belief that female-assigned individuals are primarily concerned about having a good provider for their offspring (132). Therefore, Koepsel would agree that the Wisconsin sexual health curriculum is actually not unique in its requirement for educators to address the positive connection between marriage and parenting (141). Even back in her native homeland, TR explains that sexual health education is no different. In fact, there is a religious belief in her culture that discourages female-assigned individuals from engaging in discussions about sexual activity. Students in India generally do not even receive formal sexual health education until they are “mature” enough, which is not until high school. When female-assigned adolescents do learn about sex, it is often in terms of the reproductive system. In these cultures, people are advised to practice abstinence until marriage (TR). The belief is that females should only engage in sexual activity after marriage, which is when you are mentally, physically, and financially prepared to raise a child. As depicted here, formal sexual health education is no different across cultures. Why does society place such a huge emphasis on marriage, reproduction, and parenting as part of the sexual health curriculum? Given these points, it is evident that formal sexual health instruction often ignores the pleasure aspect of sexual …show more content…

According to Pastor, when parents describe “sex” to their adolescent children, it is in terms of how babies are made (132). As seen here, even sexual health conversations with parents primarily discuss puberty in terms of reproduction. For TR, puberty was described as the “coming of age.” Rather than explaining all of the hormonal and behavioral changes (e.g. sexual attraction) associated with puberty, her parents primarily emphasized what it meant to have your period and how she could potentially get pregnant. This illustrates how even parents stress the importance of reproduction when engaging in sexual activity. In reality, hormonal fluctuations during puberty and adolescence may actually contribute to one’s desire for engaging in sexual behavior solely for pleasure, which parents fail to

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