
Down Syndrome Outline

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Elena Anderson: (in a frightened voice) But…. But….. What is Down Syndrome? Jane O'Brien: (In a comforting voice) First, calm down, Miss Anderson. I know it’s hard for you to hear your baby has Down syndrome but please take a deep breath, I will explain everything you need to know. First of all, Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that involves birth defects, intellectual disabilities, and characteristic facial features. Additionally, it often involves heart defects, visual and hearing impairments, and other health problems. if you thinking what is genetic disorder is. Genetic disorder is altered or faulty gene or set of genes. The four broad groups of genetic disorders are single gene disorders, chromosome abnormalities, mitochondrial …show more content…

What is a chromosomes made up of? what type of Chromosomes is this sex- linked or autosomal?
Jane O'Brien: Chromosomes are tiny, threadlike structures inside most cells of every organism, or living thing. Chromosomes carry information about the organism in units called genes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.Down Syndrome is an autosomal genetic disorder.. Down Syndrome Is caused by having an extra copy of Chromosome 21, so instead of 2 copies, you have 3. This is an autosomal disorder and is not sex-linked. This usually occurs due to abnormal cell division when they egg and the sperm meet during fertilization.

Elena Anderson: (Crying) Did I cause my Child to be born with Down …show more content…

Although there is been a rare chance (pause) for people with Down Syndrome to become a parents. Men with Down Syndrome are considered as sterile although the causes of sterile are not known in detail yet. sterile meaning us a male with Down Syndrome not be able to produce children or young.There are confirmed cases that male with Down Syndrome became fathers. Many scientist have working on to find out why can’t most of the people with Down Syndrome can’t became parents. The percentage of female become parent is 25% and foe the male is 5% of a change that they can be parents. There is a 50% chance that they will have a child with Down Syndrome.

Elena Anderson: (sadly) so, how long my child can live?
Jane O'Brien: We can’t tell the exact age your child going to live, some people with Down Syndrome live up to age 50s, 60s and even 70s. As medical remains, the life span of many individuals will be even longer. It is true that people with Down Syndrome on average don't live long as other normal people. However, we are working on, to give better treatment to cure Down syndrome.

Elena Anderson: Thank you doctor for explaining what Down Syndrome is and also helped me to understand about this disease. I want to ask you more questions about Down Syndrome, but I think this is all I can take for

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