
Drawbacks And Disadvantages

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Potential Drawbacks or Problems in Formats (Greenwood et al., 1990) peer tutoring can have drawbacks. When establishing peer tutoring it does use up organizational time in designing and effecting appropriate peer selection and matching, and it may also necessitate some adjustments to curriculum materials. Certainly, the requisite for training students in teaching and learning skills are greater, even though it can be argued that peer tutoring only serves to bring to the surface needs that traditional teaching tends to overlook. All these may involve increased costs in the short term, with an understanding to reduce costs and/or greater effectiveness in the medium or long term. The quality of tutoring from a peer tutor may be a good deal inferior …show more content…

Instructors, tutors, and students all need to find a common ground about what it means to be, or use, a tutor in a particular course of study. Findings establish that students, instructors, and tutors respond to peer tutoring according to previous experiences and expectations. In addition, tutors must continually manage the way he or she are visible by others and establish them on an ongoing basis. There are three benefits of peer and cross-age tutoring, which are the learning of academic skills, the development of social behaviors and classroom discipline, and the enhancement of peer relations. In addition, there are improvements in self-esteem. Peer tutors and the students receiving the tutoring speak a more similar language than do teachers, which in turn makes it easier to communicate. The students receiving the tutoring their achievement level improves and so does their social and emotional development (Kalkowski, 1995). Thesis Reworded This research paper was able to identify and describe two of the most effective peer tutoring formats currently in use, which are peer and cross-age

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