
Dying To Be Thin Analysis

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The video Dying To Be Thin and both articles by Serpell all implicated that what society values as a perfect image has a direct impact on how people view themselves. Most people are not happy with some part of their outside appearance. Pop culture and reality shows display obsessions with perfection, plastic surgery, most times exploiting insecure people who are unhappy with their appearance. The perfect body is advertised on every media outlet and constantly seen in public. There are number of people looking for that “new” and “perfect body” repeatedly going to the doctors and other professionals as well as developing eating disorders enhancing their obsession about their appearance and how unhappy they are. Unfortunately, for some people this obsession goes beyond entertainment, for some people this unhappiness and obsession is not something that just …show more content…

Serpell proved in his study that individuals who suffer from BN and AN express more negatives than positives. It is human nature to want to be accepted. There is a sense of belonging that all humans share and that feeling is probably strongest at the adolescence stage of life. In today’s society, it is not easy for young people to find self and be happy with it. So many influences are involved in their lives from family, environment to their peers and pop culture many are quite confused, unhappy and obsessed with who they are and their image; it is no wonder because so much happens within an individual’s adolescence years. Huge changes in regard to their body images, pimples are either appearing

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