
Essay about Eating at Home Vs. Eating at a Restaurant

Decent Essays

People all around the world are busy. Busy with work, school and other extra activities. No one ever has time to cook, so families are always going out to eat at a restaurant. This essay will include comparison between eating at home and eating at a restaurant in terms of the price, cleanliness, taste and service.

When a family eats at home they, will pay less than restaurants because when they buy food from the market they buy for better quality and a better price.

When families eat at home they know everything that has been added in their meal and know the cleanliness of their own kitchen. Moreover, they know if the food was washed and cooked well. At home they know that the cook has washed his/her hands. Also at …show more content…

Eating at home is how to maintain a good health.

Eating at home is of course better in everything for example service, service at home is usually better because you can serve your self without waiting for someone to serve you. You can get how much you want whenever you want. But some individuals would have domestic helpers for their house work, also they may serve the family their meal.

Eating at a restaurant is more expensive than home food, its usually more expensive because the restaurant adds taxes and money for the service. Also, the restaurant serves sometimes less quality than what you buy and less quantity.

When you eat at a restaurant where you eat may be very clean and spotless so they can attract people going in this restaurant and eating but the worst part is you are never sure about their kitchen cleanliness unless you go inside where your meal is cooked.

Eating at a restaurant (taste)
When people go to restaurants they like the food more because it is very oily and fatty and in fast food restaurants example McDonalds tastes good because they add the chickens skin and spices that makes the burger tastier which makes you the eater fattier and therefore affects his/her health.

Eating at a restaurant (service)
When you eat at a restaurant, first the waiter must ask you if you want water and a starter later on, he/she comes and asks if you picked your order yet if so you would order but

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