
Economic Order Quantity and Significant Predictor. Essay examples

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1. Stock prices over a period of fifty (50) years would most likely exhibit no cyclical component. a. True b. False 2. On the plot labeled “a”, which of the following is correct? a. There is a trend present. b. There is a linear relationship. c. There is an obvious outlier. d. There is a negative relationship. 3. On the plot labeled “b”, there is an outlier present. a. True b. False 4. On the plot labeled “c”, which of the following models is most appropriate? a. single-parameter exponential smoothing b. regression c. regression with seasonality (classical time-series) d. none of the above are appropriate 5. In a simple linear regression, we are …show more content…

Mr. Foster estimates that the goodwill cost of each item short is close to $0.25. A Christmas-tree model is appropriate. a. True b. False 12. A regular EOQ model is appropriate when demand is seasonal. a. True b. False 13. See the attached “Regression Data I”. We are using the number of radios, TVs, and DVD players stocked to predict the profit, revenue, and cost for future periods. First, run a model to predict the profit. Select all which apply. a. Radios is a significant predictor. b. TVs is a significant predictor. c. DVDs is a significant predictor. d. The overall model is significant. e. The intercept is positive. f. Severe multicollinearity is present. 14. See the attached “Regression Data I”. We are using the number of radios, TVs, and DVD players stocked to predict the profit, revenue, and cost for future periods. Next, run a model to predict the cost. Select all which apply. a. Radios is a significant predictor. b. TVs is a significant predictor. c. DVDs is a significant predictor. d. The overall model is significant. e. The intercept is positive. f. Severe multicollinearity is present. 15. See the attached “Regression Data I”. We are using the number of radios, TVs, and DVD players stocked to predict the profit, revenue, and cost for future periods. Based on the output,

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