
Effects Of Fake Things On Social Media

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Fake things effect on social media
Media has a long history of developing. The early media type is using the newspaper. The Newspaper is a traditional media. People use newspaper as a way to deliver the news for a long time. In the early 20th century, the radio was invented. It began to change the way in the media. From then on, media began improving. In the late 20th century and 21st century, there were many new types of media invented, such as TV, Computer, and Smartphone. In the 21st century, technology is the main developing subject. As the technology is developing every day, the internet is more and more important for people. Bill Gates said: “The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” According to Bill Gates said, the Internet is a big improvement for the human. People can get what information they want on the internet. Because the TV, Computer, and Smartphone have been inventing, people get information more and more convenient. Even though media is convenient for us, it also brings the most important problem which is the authenticity of news. There are many people getting news from media in recently. Many people say:” technology changing our life. Even though we don’t need to go out from home, we can get much news from the society or all around the world. We can get convenient to get information. At the same time, much fake news reports in our daily life, because the journalists want to attract audience's’ attention and the

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