
Effects Of Poverty On The Health Of A Child Essay

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As of 2015, 14.5 million children are living in poverty. What is poverty you ask? Poverty defined by Webster’s Dictionary is the state of being extremely poor. In my opinion, poverty is much more than not having enough money to supply basic needs. Poverty is lack of shelter, lack of food in most cases, being sick and not able to see a doctor. Having very little to no resources in order to acquire the proper education, poverty is one of the major problems among society today. Affecting all ages at any place and time, it is not selective, but very common. However, the impact is worse when exposed to a child in their early developmental stage. The effects of poverty can be devastating. Preventing young children’s desire to thrive while overall negatively affecting their development. This paper exposes the various impacts of poverty in early childhood development. Poverty affects the health of a child, which undesirably impacts the development process. Scientist have ran many tests to support the argument that poverty does effect a child’s brain development. Seth Pollak, a child development researcher, and his team analyzed nearly 1000 MRI scans of rather diverse children from all over the U.S between 2001 and 2007. Making sure to exclude individuals who were born from risky pregnancies, complicated births and subjects who had a family history of mental illness. The MRI scans revealed that the areas of the brain that were affected by environmental influences and academic

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