
Poverty In Native Son

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Tracking Down the Root of Crime
In Richard Wright’s novel, Native Son, the disparity between wealth and power opposed to hardship and poverty is greater than may be realized. Similar to the Thomas household, families around the nation struggle everyday to make ends meet, burdening the children of the family with heavy responsibilities, causing the children to seek outlets for this stress. Poverty creates hardships in adolescence resulting in a majority of criminal behavior to root from low income individuals. Even though Bigger was from a time period years ago, adolescents who derive from unstable low income households still experience the burdens Bigger faces and tend to act and lash out with crimes and below average performance in school.
The lack of effort and performance children from low income families demonstrate is an incontrovertible issue. The effects that environment can have on adolescents can be devastating if the environment is inadequate to promote positive child development and success. Children experiencing poverty and neglect are more susceptible to lower performance in school and delayed development, resulting from “...many aspects of a child’s environment that can adversely affect maximum brain functioning. Two significant and negative environmental factors are poverty and neglect. Research substantiates the negative effects poverty can have on a child’s brain including development, learning and academic performance ”(Loughan,Perna). Loughan and Perna

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