
Electronic Cigarettes

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A shocking stastics states that 1 out of 3 smokers will die from a smoke related diesease,

resulting in over 450,000 deathes anually. A few years ago my uncle, a heavy smoker, became 1 out of

the 3 smokers that would be an example of this statistic. Although family and friends tried to

persuade him to quit smoking, . When hearing the news that he had throat cancer spreading to his

lungs, it was to late for him to try quiting. Looking back, I wondered, if he had the chance to

switch to the electroinic cigarette in his lifetime, would he still be alive today? I am almost

certain that he would have survived. By looking and feeling just like the real cigarretes, electronic ciragettes have gain a vast amount of popularity ever since coming on the market. Eelcetronic cigarettes are a better alternaitve to the harmful …show more content…

Every year, hundreds of dollars are spent on cigarettes by indualials. A pack of 20

cigarettes cost, on average, 7.50 depending on the state. It is not uncommon for the average smoker

to go through an entire pack in one day. For example, in the are article "Vaprorland" The Dursts,

owners of OKC Vapes in oklahoma City, were spending $225 monthly on cigarettes befroe switching to

E-cigs (Richtel). Thats over $2,500 a year! For e-cigs, the cost in the long run is much smaller.

For strters, the kit primarly costs $30-$200, depending on the brand of E-cig. A 10-millimeter

bottle of e-liquid goes for $6.99 and a 30-millmeters for $13.99, which can save a smoker an average

of a monnth As the prices of e-cigs are reduced compared to the analogs, so are the health risks. One

way E-cigarettes reduce the health risks, is by not producing any kind of smoke from tobacco, which

results in eliminating the tar buildup in lungs. In result to that, over all health improves.

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