
Electronic Cigarettes : Research Paper

Better Essays

Electronic cigarettes

Guerrier, Ingrid
Capstone research paper

Electronic cigarettes have been around for about a decade. No one is sure of what havoc they can cause yet because of how new they are in existence. Throughout the past years more and more issues have been arising from this product that was originally assumed to be harmless. Now we are faced with the question are they really as safe as we thought or should increase investigation to see what they are really capable of. So far researchers have discovered many issues with the electronic cigarettes and every month more and more issues begin the surface the air. From explosion to toxic material. These issues will not only affect their …show more content…

There are many more harms which can be caused by the Electronic cigarettes. To make electronic cigarettes less harmful to the body there should be more battery installment and charging instructions, removal of carcinogens and other toxic chemicals in the electronic cigarettes and the removal of poisonous metals.
Electronic cigarettes will primarily harm the cigarettes users. Users use the cigarette through the process of vaping. According to the oxford dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2015) vaping is to Inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.” Secondhand vaping harms anyone around the vaper. Second hand vape can be voluntary or involuntary”(, 2015).
Jennifer jean a Registered nurse that has experienced the effects of traditional cigarettes especially on some of her older patients, believes that the electronic cigarettes will eventually end up being like the traditional cigarettes. The traditional cigarettes were once believed to be one hundred percent safe until they did research and investigation and then and all the different health issues began to arise in the smokers.There will soon be ads against the use of the electronic cigarettes just they what they currently have to haalt traditional cigarette smoking.
History of electronic cigarettes
In 2003 the electronic cigarette is first developed in Beijing, China by Hon Lik, a 52 year old pharmacist, inventor and smoker. In 2007 Electronic

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