
What Is E-Cig Better Than Normal Cigarette?

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Cigarette has been a topic of debate ever since its existence. Whether it’s the health issues of cigarettes or the negative impact of cigarette advertisement, it has been in our culture for the longest time. Recently, a divergent of cigarette called E-Cig had entered the market and have seen some unexpected success. In 2014, studies showed that electronic cigarette revenue has topped more than 500 million US dollar. With this huge industry appearing out of seemingly nowhere, many people has begun to question its health and safety effects on us, specifically is E-cig better than normal cigarette?
Cigarette as a tobacco product as existed for a long time, enough for us to determined its negative health effect. Cigarettes are known to cause cardiovascular …show more content…

Emily: “Out of more than 70 surveys, 54 surveys showed at least a noticeable (5%-15%) decrease in smoker population. However, this doesn’t represent that e-cig and quitting are directly related. The decrease is mostly likely the result of the Placebo Effect of false advertisement”. By definition, Placebo effect is a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment. Dr. Emily believes that chemically there are nothing inside the e-cig that will assist people in quitting.
Although e-cig has no clear health advantages over normal cigarette, it does have a clear financial advantage over all other tobacco products. In Australia, an average smoker spends around $2000 to $3500 dollars a year whereas an average e-cig smoker spends around $500 to $1500 a year which is almost half the price. From a purely economic standpoint, e-cig is the better choice compared to normal cigarette.
Compared with cigarette, e-cig is also a lot more environmentally friendly. Studies conducted by the University of Colorado shows that normal cigarette produces 12 time the thin air-debris that e-cig produces. From an individual perspective, the environmental damage of both e-cig and cigarette is almost negligible. However, from a global perspective, e-cig is significantly less harmful than

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