
The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Cigarettes

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We now live in a digital world where everything we use must be battery operated. Our paper and pencils have taken a back seat for Microsoft word. As must everything evolve, cigarettes have taken the next leap of evolution and gone digital. Electronic cigarettes have begun to flood the market with statics of 2 million users and 2.5 billion dollars in profits. Right now a lot is unknown about these devices and there are no safety regulations. Those who oppose and support electronic cigarettes have different views, negatives and positives, of their use. Electronic cigarettes is a controversial issue due to not being safe, a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, marketing toward teens, and an aid in helping smokers quit. Those who oppose will argue that electronic cigarettes are not safe. Long term health effects have not been tested and further research is required. Electronic cigarettes are currently unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration and have no manufacturing regulations. The natural flavor additives added to electronic cigarettes may pose a risk when heated adding in unknown chemicals. Some electronic cigarettes contain high powered …show more content…

The tar and the toxic is what make traditional cigarettes bad. Electronic cigarettes do not produce tar, the leading cause of cancer in smokers, thus causing supporters to believe that it's a safer alternative. Traditional cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals while electronic cigarettes generally only contain 3 ingredients plus nicotine. These 3 ingredients are usually marketed as food grade quality and are common food additives. The nicotine is usually marketed as pharmaceutical grade helping supporters believe that the indigents used are safe. Short term studies show that electronic cigarettes are 96% less harmful than traditional

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