
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Industry Essay

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The UK has seen a rapid growth in the Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems industry, which consists of several devices including e-cigarettes. The question of their safety and supply arises with more concern in the pharmacy sector as they become increasingly popular. In today’s generation, pharmacists face a tough challenge to balances their roles as healthcare professionals and as successful retailers in order to survive against their competitors. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society has maintained that they do not support the use of e-cigarettes and recommend pharmacists advise licensed nicotine-containing products to be used in aid of smoking cessation. The World Healthcare organization and multiple chief pharmaceutical officers in the UK hold similar views until research can prove that these devices are safe for users as well as bystanders (Sukkar, 2014). Many organizations aim to reduce the use of such devices across the population until more information is obtained.

Electronic cigarettes, e-pipes and e-cigars are collectively referred to as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS). They allow users to inhale vapor containing nicotine and other substances (Unknown, 2016). Unlike nicotine patches and gums used in Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), e-cigarettes are designed to mimic the act of tobacco smoking by producing a pleasant flavored vapour that is similar to tobacco smoke and delivers nicotine. In comparison to traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are

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