
Electronic Cigarettes Research Paper

Decent Essays

Shannon Deal
Prof. Bomhower
Eng. 111
Electronic Cigarettes: Big Benefits
Every year, an estimated 443, 000 Americans die of smoking related illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC also states “the leading cause of preventable death” is smoking. ("Smoking & Tobacco Use-Fast Facts”). Relatively new to the market are electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes. “Vaping”, as it is known by users, has become increasingly more attractive as an alternative to traditional, cancer causing, cigarettes. Although sales of e-cigarettes are estimated to reach $2 billion dollars (Dennis, Brady) this year, many Americans still have reservations about the safety of a new nicotine delivery system.
When smoking a cigarette, tobacco is lit then burns, producing harmful chemicals, including nicotine, that the smoker then inhales. E-cigarettes contain a liquid that is turned into a mist by an internal atomizer, which is then heated to become a vapor, also containing nicotine, that the smoker then inhales. (Gillespie, Nick) Unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not emit the odor that is known to be generated by smoking. E-cigarettes lack the stench and have a sweet taste due to the liquid sold for e-cigarettes that comes in several flavors ranging from apple pie to watermelon. In addition to …show more content…

The rules also restricted the manufacturer from marketing e-cigarettes as having health benefits until such is proven and manufactures could no longer advertise their product as a smoking cessation aide. In addition, all products related to e-cigarettes, such as the e-liquids, must be subject to an FDA approval process.

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