
Emile Durkheim Social Disorganization Theory

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Introduction The conviction and imprisonment of politicians is not new and will certainly persist as the society keeps changing. Every now and then, politicians that the masses look up to as role models continue to break or bend the laws. When this happened, they are arrested and charged, if found guilty, they are convicted and imprisoned. According to Bruce (2014), Senator Leland Lee of California was an outspoken advocate of gun control who accepted no tolerance. His indictment on charges of arm trafficking and public corruption kept the public in disarrayed following her position especially in the area of gun control. Lee’s arrest did not come alone but with that of his associates. It was found that Lee conspired with other states actors to accept thousands of dollars in order to offer political favor (Wang, 2015). As a public figure, any action …show more content…

They believe that actions like this keep the society’s smooth functioning in place. Without such actions, members of the society will hardly remember and follow the law of the land. In this theory, Emile Durkheim as a functionalist, “he believes that deviance is a necessary part of a successful society” (Little, 2014). With the social disorganization theory, theorists will argue that the crime took place because the community had weak social ties and lacks good social control. Following the analysis of this theory, I can understand that every neighborhood with weak social control, the crime rate is always more. The stain theory will argue that Senator Lee’s action was because he wanted to gain socially acceptable goals in order to reach a certain class. Moreover, we understood that financial success is quite needed to be conformed, although this Senator had the political prestige, he still needed the financial back up to be totally accepted in a particular class, therefore forcing him to seek for financial back up by breaking the

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