
Emotional Climate

Decent Essays

One way an emotional climate in a classroom setting can affect a child’s or adolescent's motivation is by the “Acceptance by the Teacher”(Tileston, 2010, p.42) in which case children need feedback from the teacher to know they are doing their work correctly. An example of this would be telling a student specific feedback such as “Barbara, you did a great diagram on the reproduction cycle of the chicken egg. Your drawings were so precise that I enjoyed reading your work and seeing your drawings” This kind of motivation is what feeds a child’s motivation. Another way to build the emotional climate in a classroom or group setting to motivate a child or adolescent is “Acceptance by Peers” in which a child “needs to feel safe in the classroom, …show more content…

44) In this case for motivation, students “believe that they have the physical and mental resources necessary to be successful.” (Tileston, 2010, p.44) Even though there are assigned books to read in a classroom if a teacher goes above and beyond the book, possibly even a game, children realize that material is not just a book but computers to have success in understanding a subject being taught. An example of this is a teacher I had in fifth grade, Mr. White. Mr. White was teaching social studies and we were learning about the Oregon Trail. He divided us up into groups of four, and we were all given certain characters to be on the “Trail” every night we had specific homework to do and every day that the entire class turned in their assignments was a day we played the game “The Oregon Trail”. Each group had their own map and “jobs” to do on the trail, but when we reached a certain point on the map we had to answer questions about what we had learned on our “journey” to that point in the game. I will say this built a lot of emotional motivation for us and we had the best time learning, not to mention retaining all we had learned when it came to “open house” and we were able to show our parents everything we had

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