
Employee Organizational Culture Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The shared characteristics and, in some cases, perception of employees create what is known as organizational culture. A strong culture constructs a unified employee atmosphere, whereas a weak culture lacks a shared sense of distinction between employees. An employee’s heritage or individual culture, although different than, affects the overall organizational culture of companies. Like society, sub-cultures exist within organizations. Formed by departmental function, geographical location, and/or the personalities of employees, sub-cultures include employees who continue to adhere to the organizations’ overall culture, but have additional independent characteristics. Employees’ individual heritage, along with the culture and …show more content…

xii). Although rather obvious that the higher level of leaders have a commanding subculture, rank is not the only condition, the reach of this group offers a substantial aspect to its power. Leaders at the highest levels of organizations control a more considerable territory – internal and external – and a greater number of employees.
Internal and external perception of organizations develops from leaders creating and managing culture, the behavioral norms within particular industries, and influential subcultures. Organizational culture contributes to the approach and method used to train and develop employees of organizations. Sidestepping organizational culture and cultural diversity while developing and administering training programs inhibits the effectiveness of the training by not addressing company culture and individual perspectives of employees.
A strong positive organizational culture develops from employee awareness of the distinct differences between their company and other companies along with company mindfulness and embracing cultural diversity of its employees. As long as the organizational uniqueness of companies is positive, company pride among employees expands and improves the employees’ willingness to learn. Conversely, disinterested employees lack commitment to their company and lack desire to learn, making training more difficult.
Dimensions or characteristics of organizational

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