
Employee Retention Culture

Better Essays

Despite fluctuating economic times and increased globalization of American jobs, most employers are finding it hard to keep good workers. The reality of today's job market is that workers are expecting more from their employers and are not afraid to move on if their needs are not met by your organization.
Based on compelling data from the Society for Human Resource Management and others who study workforce trends, leading organizations must take time to analyze their retention realities and ensure that the valuable employees they currently have are not seeking greener pastures.
How do great organizations maintain low levels of turnover and high levels of employee satisfaction? The answer is found in one word: culture.
Organizations with high rates of employee retention concentrate on creating four distinct cultures that keep people focused on the organization and its goals. The purpose of this article is to explore these four cultures and to recommend practical strategies for developing these cultures in your workplace. Effective retention cultures include an intense focus on choice, balance, development and care.
The Culture of Choice
Donald N. Smith, the president of Burger King said, "The individual choice of garnishment of a burger can be an important point to the consumer in this day when individualism is an increasingly …show more content…

High rates of retention are clearly linked to the amount of attention the employee gets in terms of their professional development and growth. When employees feel that their career goals have been acknowledged and that they are continuing to be challenged on the job, they are likely to stick around. Employees who feel stagnated, ignored, or bored will likely start to look for other opportunities. So how do great organizations create cultures of

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