
Engineers Are Always In Demand By Joey Jackson Holobowski Summary

Decent Essays

Joey Jackson Holobowski’s article “Why Engineering Majors Are Always in Demand”, explains why engineers are desired by the work force. Engineers are known for their problem solving skills and the will to overcome challenges. The majors use their skills to invent or improve an invention, in order to make everyday lives better. It takes a certain person to become an engineer and it starts from the early high school years. It’s a very rigorous path to become an engineer but the end rewards are worth it. The typical engineer must conquer many obstacles such as high level maths and sciences during his or her high school years. These education requirements are the basics to achieving an engineering degree and will serve a purpose for when the real classes start in college. The engineering field involves everything from making electricity in a nuclear power plant, to coming up …show more content…

We live in a world where humans always find a way to push the envelope and push technologies to new limits. Sky scrapers, ten mile long bridges and many other amazing accomplishments would have not been achievable without engineers. Engineers play a big role in the evolution of the human race. They create history and examples for the next engineer to follow and improve. The world has come a long way because of the ideas and skills of engineers. An example of change that an engineer brought to the world is the paving of roads. Dirt roads were causing many problems for the citizens of Rome. The roads were unstable and would create mud that would sometimes wash away in the rain. So a group of roman civil engineers came up with the idea of paved roads. A group of roman civil engineers came up with the solution to overcome the problems of dirt roads. The solution was to pave roads with rocks and concrete, which would change the lives of the Roman Empire for the better. The basic foundation of this engineering breakthrough is still being used by engineers of

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