
Entry Essay for Engineering Program at Texas A&M

Decent Essays

Seconds gave birth to minutes and minutes to hours, yet my concentration remained resolute. Despite the daunting nature of the task, I remained determined in what I had to achieve. For the first time applying some rudimentary scientific ideas I managed to build an intricate model of a toy car. “You shall grow up to become an Engineer one day,” my father exclaimed gazing at my laudable piece of creativity. I was only eleven and yet those prophetic words unknowingly chartered my future course for me.

There are no engineers in my family to persuade me into becoming one. It was my own interest and curiosity that drove me into analyzing how things work. Over the years I have developed a passion for solving complex problems that involve technical challenges. I have learnt that an engineering problem does not have a standard solution to it and that an engineer has to choose the best from amongst the various options. The process of applying scientific methods to solve real-life problems continued to intrigue me throughout my years of study, initially in the context of my own behavior, and later to observe and investigate its impact on an increasing affinity towards Engineering.

When I was twelve, I went on a school trip to apipe factory in Lahore. I was fascinated by the way pipes were being subjected to hydrostatic pressure tests to check the weld strength and flattening and bend tests to maintain strict quality control. Overwhelmed by the involvement of Physics and Math in

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