
Epicurus's Views On Happiness : A State Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Can one ever know what truly makes them happy? Is it one particular item or person responsible for one’s happiness or is it a variety of people, places, or things? Happiness is a state of well-being, which results in living a good life. Even though there’s a definition of happiness, people still have different opinions on how we reach happiness. Epicurus tackles the questions, “what is the key to being happy?” and helps one understand how we ought to understand happiness. Epicurus agree that happiness is the ultimate life goal and the reason for human existence. In this essay, I will view and discuss Epicurus’s thoughts on happiness and also share my thoughts on his views.
For complete happiness, we must seek pleasure and avoid pain. Many philosophers were not interested in a pleasurable lifestyle but Epicurus was devoted to pleasure. Two quotes stuck out to me when he said that, “pleasure is the beginning and the goal of a happy life” and “philosophy properly performed was to be nothing less than a guide to pleasure.” Epicurus believed that we were looking for happiness in all the wrong places and he blamed advertisement for that. While watching Alain De Botton’s video covering Epicurus and the Consolation for Not Having Enough Money I received a better visual of Epicurus’s thinking. He blamed advertising for our desires because it confuses us about what really makes us happy. Advertising blurs what really makes us happy while trying to sell whatever it is they

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