
Equality In Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

Decent Essays

The Danger of Total Equality in Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” Imagine a horrifying world where the government has finally made every individual equal in every aspect of their lives. In the short story, “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., this is a terrifying reality. In this society, the strong are required to wear weights so they can be equal to those that are weaker, the intelligent are required to wear ear pieces that disable their thought process, and beautiful are required to cover their face with hideous masks, thus rendering their mental, physical, and social attributes equal to everyone. With a government constantly pushing for equality among all citizens, Vonnegut reveals a dystopia that society is slowly working toward. Vonnegut uses foreshadowing to reveal the future of society, Vonnegut illustrates the central theme by using Harrison …show more content…

As Harrisons breaks out of all his handicaps, he reaches a new freedom, in which he takes to a new extreme. When Harrison takes over the Studio broadcasting the ballerina performance, he exclaims with power, “I am the Emperor! Do you hear? I am Emperor! Everybody must do what I say at once!” (Vonnegut 4). Not only has the government forced equality on the people, they have forced it on Harrison, a 14 year old child with remarkable power. Harrison has created a mentality in which he will overthrow the government and become the king. Vonnegut illustrates to the reader that because of the lack of inequality the government has token away, Harrison has rushed into a burst of power hunger. Vonnegut also describes to the reader that society needs to have a balance of equality to allow it to thrive, without a balance there is no individual or there is no equality for each

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