
Harrison Bergeron Equality Essay

Decent Essays

Harrison Bergeron, a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, is not written for the light reader. This story of equality shows deeply of how horrid it would be to be born special, different, smarter, faster, stronger, etc, in a world where you are forced to be equal. Despite the usual connotation of the word equality, Kurt Vonnegut looks at the cost of making everyone be the same. He has shown through his words the torture you must endure in order to make you the same as everyone else, being a radio intending to scatter your thoughts, weights to weigh you down, or even a hideous, grotesque, mask used to hide your charming face. After you’ve lived with these handicaps a man, named Harrison Bergeron, trying to change how things are interrupts your show. …show more content…

This is significant because when he removes the handicaps from the “empress” and musicians. “Harrison plucked the mental handicap from her ear, snapped off her physical handicaps with marvelous delicacy. Last of all he removed her mask.... The musicians scrambled back into their chairs, and Harrison stripped them of their handicaps, too. ‘Play your best,’ he told them, ‘ and I’ll make you barons and dukes and earls.” This quote shows that even people who are considered professionals are downgraded to average. The sweet idea of equality has blinded the people from what it means to put hard work into something. Working hard give joy and pride to the person who succeeded. The bitter, sour, hard work leads to the sweet enjoyment of success. If hard work does lead to enjoyment and the government handicap people who have a talent or put hard work into a skill, in order to maintain equality. Therefore, equality has a bitter reality. The musicians are forced to be downgraded as well as the ballerinas. This is taking away from the hard work that would be put in normally. Every one being at the same level, same skill, would be aggravating for many people, including myself. Knowing that all the hard work put into something and then being told it is illegal to be better than the

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