
Mobile Phones On Children Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout the years cell phones have changed a lot with advanced technology. Improve technology has made a great change in history of phones, transforming the huge brick-like mobile phone of 1995 to sleek and stylish smartphones we carry with us now. Back then people didn't have the features phones as for now. For example, pictures, facetime and touch screen. At this moment, advanced technology in cell phones has gained much attention to all people ages. The only difference is that a few years back, it wasn't unusual for under 15 children to have cell phones. As for now, Children under 15 years are affected in socially, education and development by the use of cell phones as they will feel the need to use it in every situation. Today, …show more content…

As a result, children using cellphones on their daily basis and stay inside home would not be able to make friends. In the meantime, these children who have access to their cell phone all time faces a lot of risks. One of the risks is becoming victims of sexual predators, who empathise with and listen to the problems of children and keeps up to date with children’s interest. Parents have much less control over who the child connects with on their mobile phones. Online there is many people who just wants to cause harm to a innocent child. Another risk is children gets addicted to their phone, they rather use it than sleep. Endless text messaging, checking Facebook, Instagram, and watching Youtube videos, all these activities seem to be more interesting to many children then getting many hours of sleep for school. It’s just a distraction and waste of time that it drives parents to despair. Threatening to take their phones away or actually taking it can results in an outraged child. The addiction to phones often damages the parent-child relationship by creating resentment in both parties. Moreover, the use of cellphones all time can cause harm to children’s vision and it can gives any headache. Even more, children under 15 who gets addicted to their phone would use it in school hours. This can cause a lot of conflict in school, since students would be distracted

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