
Negative Effects Of Widespread Cell Phone Use

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Widespread Cell Phone Use In the modern-day world, there are about 6.8 billion cell phone subscriptions. Mobile telephones have really changed the way we do things in our daily life. Before cell phones were invented individuals were more interactive with each other. In the late 1900’s, Martin Cooper invented the first mobile telephone. Today we have a variety of mobile phones to choose from such as Apple and Samsung. Widespread cell phone use has definitely affected the world negatively because it is a distraction, can be harmful, and addicting. Widespread cell phone use is a distraction to many individuals today. While being on their telephones they begin to network and meet other individuals. Networking is not always a bad thing if people stay focused and determined on their goals. Eventually while networking they are going to meet someone they began to show interest in. Which in many cases individuals get attached to the person their talking to and start losing focus from reality. They begin to procrastinate from doing things that actually matter to them. Like for instance, instead of doing homework individuals would rather choose to play on their telephones. Which can eventually can start affecting their school grades and cause them to drop. Parents need to start stepping in more and take control in these situations, take away their phones if need be. What if it is a college student? They are technically adults so their parents cannot really control them

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